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Nov 2022

SRPW HOA Trustees Business Meeting • September 12, 2022 - 11 am

Call to Order: President Georgine Natelli called the meeting to order at 11 am. The meeting was held in accordance with the SRPW Governing Documents and Robert’s Rules of Order and is being recorded. 
Roll Call of Officers and Trustees: Sign-in Sheet – Present: Georgine Natelli, Joseph McCurnin, James Conway, Dennis Malinowski, Patricia Chicarelli, Edward Menzenbach, Mary Bethe McGill, Mary Nye, Susan Fletcher.
Correspondence: Moved to closed session. 
Minutes of Preceding Meeting: August 8, 2022 Business Meeting Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes made by Mary Bethe MCGill, seconded by Joe McCurnin. All in favor – motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: August Financials: Jim Conway presented specifics on the financials. Susan Fletcher made a motion to accept the financials. Mary Bethe McGill seconded the motion. All in favor – motion carried. 
Motion to Amend today’s agenda: Motion was made to amend the agenda to add a Common Grounds report to the agenda. Jim Conway made the motion; Patricia Chicarelli seconded the motion. All in favor – motion carried. 
Board of Trustee Appointments:
Motion to appoint Diane Crozier as Section 8 Trustee to serve only through May of 2023 (the next election). Motion made by Ed Menzenbach and seconded by Mary Bethe McGill. All in favor – appointment approved. 
Motion to approve Simone Feder as Section 3 Trustee to serve only through May of 2023 (the next election). Motion made by Joe McCurnin and seconded by Edward Menzenbach. All in favor – appointment approved.
Motion to accept the resignation of Elizabeth Wismann, Section 11 Trustee. Motion made by Ed Menzenbach and seconded by Pat Chicarelli. All in favor—resignation accepted. 
Refurbishing projects: 
Pool tables: Two bids were presented. Ed Menzenbach volunteered to pursue this project. No vote on the bids. Motion to move pool table repair to the next meeting made by Mary Bethe McGill, and seconded by Patricia Chicarelli. All in favor – motion carried.
Painting of lobby: Only one bid was submitted. Sue Fletcher made a motion to move to the next meeting so we could get more proposals, and Pat Chicarelli seconded. All in favor – motion carried. 
Structural engineering report: Motion to move consideration of the bids to the next meeting to allow time for detailed review. Motion made by Mary Bethe McGill and seconded by Joe McCurnin. All in favor – motion carried. 
Other Matters: 
Tai Chi application: Mary Bethe McGill volunteered to do research on the issue. Motion to move consideration to next month made by Susan Fletcher and seconded by Mary Bethe McGill. All in favor – motion carried.
ADR appointments: Motion to appoint Michelle McCreary to the ADR Committee. Motion made by Joe McCurnin, and seconded by Ed Menzenbach. All in favor – motion carried. Motion to appoint Barbara Padellaro to the ADR Committee.  Motion made by Sue Fletcher, and seconded by Ed Menzenbach. All in favor -- motion carried. Motion to appoint Jim Egan to the ADR committee. Motion was made by James Conway and seconded by Mary Bethe McGill. All in favor – motion carried. 
ADR process: Motion that all ADR mediation and hearings between homeowner and homeowner as well as between a homeowner and the association be sent out directly from the office to an outside mediator. Motion made by Sue Fletcher and seconded by Ed Menzenbach. All in favor – motion carried. 
Architectural Control Committee: Motion to approve James Conway and Anthony Prezioso to the Architectural Control Committee made by Mary Bethe McGill and seconded by Mary Nye. All in favor – motion carried.
Awning over office door: Motion to approve getting bids for an awning over the office door. Motion made by Sue Fletcher and seconded by Mary Bethe McGill. All in favor – motion carried.
Compensation for non-custodial work: Motion to create a position for a Maintenance Mechanic. Motion made by Joe McCurnin and seconded by Mary Nye. All voting members in favor (Ed Menzenbach abstained) – motion carried.
Set hourly rate for non-custodial work: Motion to set an hourly rate for the Maintenance Mechanic Position. Motion made by Jim Conway and seconded by Mary Bethe McGill. All voting members in favor (Ed Menzenbach abstained) – motion carried. 
Compensation for custodians for events – Jim pointed out that custodians are on payroll for events. 
Old Business:
  • HOPA Surveys – 815 as of September 6, 2022. 
  • Website Proposal – Need more bids and will invite bidders to present to the board for a detailed explanation.
  • Flooring for main hall – Sue Fletcher who was doing the research on the flooring asked for more time to research, so no vote was taken. Motion to table
  • No hunting, no trespassing signs – Motion to table
  • Changes in Trustee Complaint Forms, Architectural Control, and Codes. Goal is to create a handbook that includes all of the Rules and Regulations and the forms homeowners need when they apply for architectural control approval. Goal is to create a database of all action taken so we have a quick checklist. 
  • Refurbishing behind clubhouse
Trustee Reports: No reports from Trustees.
Section 1: No Trustee
Section 2: Patricia Chicarelli
Section 3: To Be Appointed
Section 4: Edward Menzenbach
Section 5: Mary Beth McGill
Section 6: No Trustee
Section 7: Mary Nye
Section 8: To Be Appointed
Section 9: ShirleyAnn Emmons
Section 10: Susan Fletcher
Section 11: No Trustee
Common Grounds:  James Conway asked Trustees to advocate for the homeowners in their sections for common ground relief. We have a long list of areas that need to be addressed and the budget will not allow us to address all of them at one time. Motion to give permission to pay to have common grounds clean-up near 25 Willoughby, in Shaw Court, and on Georgetown Drive. Motion made by Mary Nye, and seconded by Mary Bethe McGill. All in favor – motion carried. Also, there was discussion about two trees at the corner of the clubhouse that need to be removed. 
Adjournment: President Natelli requested a motion to adjourn the meeting. Marybethe McGill made the motion and Susan Fletcher seconded it. Meeting adjourned at 1:45 pm.