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Aug 2021

Trustee's Corner - August 2021

Debbie Fazio:
Congratulations to Rich Bohan, John Fay, & Fran Hurley, our three winning candidates who have emerged victoriously in June’s Trustee election!  It was extremely impressive to have so many people running, all eager to contribute to keeping HCS the #1 association in Berkeley Township.  I’m grateful to be working with a group of individuals that will have as much respect for one another as they have expressed for our community.  The homeowners have been heard in record numbers!  I look forward to a peaceful and cooperative year working with each and every one of them.
Special thanks to the many residents who have volunteered to work in our clubhouse library. We met on July 12th and have a working schedule set in place. Come by and take a look at the dedication plaque in place for Joe and Josie Spiteri. Well-deserved for sure. We’ll miss you. 
You can contact me by leaving your phone number with the office anytime day or night. If you get an answering machine leave the information and I’ll receive it the next business day. I promise to get back to you promptly.
The clubs are all opened again and that includes signing up for memberships.  The Women’s Club along with the other clubs, will be in Building “C” on Fridays from 9:30 to 11:00am selling memberships as well as trip and event tickets! YEAH!!  Welcome Back Everyone!  Until Next Month – Stay Safe and Healthy
John Fay:
I would like to thank all of the people who voted in our trustee election, especially all of you who voted for me, and a big THANK YOU to the people who helped to deliver flyers to all of the 2,359 homes in our community.  I will do my best to do what is right for the residents of Holiday City South.
I have been placed in charge of the guards and the pool. As you know, the pool was in bad shape. The trustees have cleaned up the pool, but there is more to be done. We ordered cleaning solutions and we will be on top of the cleanliness of the pool and the outside area around the pool. Please send your comments to [email protected] and for those of you who don't have access to the internet, please call the office and leave your name, telephone number and address and I will return your call.
We are asking for three volunteers per day to scrub and clean the blue tiles and concrete around and beneath the lip of pool where you have seen black algae and discolored areas.  The pool guard has the scrub brushes, and the scrubs brushes will be given out at various times during the day. We would like to have this done three times a day. There is no sign-up sheet; it is strictly on a volunteer basis. Thank You for your patience with the pool problem.
Fran Hurley:
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of Holiday City South for your support by appointing me to the Board.  Your vote shows that you trust me to be your voice and I can’t thank you enough for the confidence that you have shown in me.  I promise not to take this position lightly and would like to assure you that I fully understand and accept the responsibilities that all of you have bestowed upon me. I am sure we can achieve all the goals we’ve set for ourselves while making new ones together.  I will voice your concerns when you cannot, as well as share your praises for all the wonderful things you’ll see happening in the next three years. I want to assure you that while serving in this position, I will continually try to make as many individuals as possible as happy and content as I can. Once again, THANK YOUI!
Adrian Corrigan:
On July 8,2021, we had our first homeowners meeting in 15 months. We had a tremendous turnout. It was delightful to see all the happy and smiling faces. On July 4th, we had our first annual tailgate/pool party, and that was a big success. I would like to see more of these outdoors activities during the summer months. Don’t forget we were locked down for 15 months, get out and be happy! 
Rich Bohan:
It is with honor and humility that I write my first message to you as a Trustee of our Holiday City South community. I am grateful to the members for their confidence in electing me to serve our community. It’s been said that it takes a village to have a great community and how true that is. I will be reaching out to you for help and support and look forward to your continued positive responses. God Bless.
George Mason:
At this time, the tennis courts are in disrepair and are considered a trip hazard. For the safety of our residents, the tennis courts are closed. Unfortunately, this means they cannot be used until they are repaired.  We have informed our contractor about the need for repairs and are on a waitlist to get a quote. As soon as the tennis courts are repaired, we will make an announcement that they are open for use. 
Also, the Ceramics Room is no longer operational as we do not have a ceramic instructor. This room will be used for Mahjong, cards and as a craft room.