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Oct 2020

President’s Message - October 2020

I hope this writing finds everyone in good health and spirits.  The Trustees apologize for the delay of this month’s issue of the Southwind, as we held up printing and delivery in the hope we would receive more detailed information from the Ocean County Election Board concerning the upcoming election.  If you have not received your ballots in the mail, you should expect to receive them shortly. Read the instructions on your ballot and do not forget to vote both sides of the ballot, as well as the section for the school board.  
Remember, your address of residence is Berkeley Twp. (Toms River is for mailing only). If you choose not to mail your ballots, we have been advised that there are a few drop boxes available for us. The drop box locations will be at the Manchester branch of the Ocean County Library, 21 Colonial Dr. (next to the Manchester Town Hall/Police Dept.); the Berkeley Twp. branch of the Ocean County Library, Berkeley Twp. on Rt 9 in Bayville; the Board of Elections office – 118 Washington Ave, Toms River; and also the Ocean County Parking Garage (second level) on Madison Ave in Toms River.  For those seniors who cannot get to a drop box and do not feel secure mailing their ballot, there is the option of having a friend or family member hand carry the ballot to a drop box for you.  You will need to follow the instructions on the outer envelope and ensure the individual you chose to carry your ballot is not a candidate.  For those individuals who chose to mail their ballots, we have been advised that your mail-in ballots can be tracked online by visiting the following web site:
The remainder of my message will cover a few points that were brought to my attention over the last few weeks.  The ten senior communities in Berkeley Twp. have the benefit of a coalition that represents us all and has carried the standard for our communities over the years, with petitions, emails, and phone calls to our legislature.  There was an implication made in writing that the petition printed in the Southwind concerning the voting situation in our State was politically motivated.  The correct information concerning the petition the Senior Alliance of NJ promoted is as follows.   
The Senior Alliance of NJ is a group comprised of seniors from all walks of life, not just those who live in adult communities or have a particular affiliation regarding politics. The organization was formed by several individuals with the intent of carrying the standard for the seniors in the State of NJ.  Recently the organization has acted on the removal of the senior property tax freeze and the property tax rebate (programs that benefit seniors across the board) as well as the voting situation in our State. These issues were brought to our attention as many seniors expressed concern financially with regard to the removal of the two programs from the State budget and their desire to vote in person at a polling location using a machine as they have always done. With regard to the matter of the two property tax benefits for seniors, our petitions, along with the voices of the municipalities, pressured Trenton to change course and reinstate these important benefits into the budget. It also was apparent that many of the State’s seniors trust voting when using a system that is familiar to them. There appears to be a level of distrust and concern among seniors that their votes would not be counted or at the very least delayed with the use of mail-in ballots. If we wish to speak of politics, then we should probably look at Trenton and dissect the reasoning and insistence for mail-in ballots.  Is it really a concern for our health?  The crisis that they have been holding over our heads is something that we are all familiar with. We are all living through this time and are familiarized daily with the rules and regulations that are reported by the media.  There is no bias when we look at how the pandemic has affected each one of us, physically, mentally, and financially. We are all on the same page and as the dust has cleared, we have allowed the government to control how we think and act.  To this point I will infer that the government has “allowed” us to go to the grocery stores and various other retail venues since the pandemic was identified, while locking down other establishments. The government is now “allowing” us to participate in dining (both inside and outside) after crippling the industry during their busy "summer season.  Now the government has decided that it is in the best interest of the public to have us vote by mail-in ballot, changing the way ballots have been cast for years.  When speaking to seniors, it has been brought to our attention that parties in government, whom we elect, are there to represent us, not dictate how we should live or what we should do.  I will state the government has a responsibility to ensure the health and safety of the public it represents, but to what length?  The official orders generated from the government have been nothing but contradictory.  It’s ok to do one thing, but not ok to do another, when one or both acts virtually expose the general public.  The people I have had the pleasure to speak with do not feel that voting in person is placing them in harm’s way, at least no more than the other activities that are allowed by the “government”. This matter of voting and who can dictate how your vote can be counted is not a partisan one, it is one of common sense and the rights of citizens written into the NJ Constitution. In past elections the government has always allowed individuals to receive absentee ballots and submit them through the mail (a form of mail in ballots) should their circumstances require them to do so.
With the above being said, where does the reach of government stop.  My cause is not political in this matter, I am not stating my personal views, I am simply responding to the many phone calls and conversations that I have had with seniors related to the issue of voting.  I will continue to speak for the seniors who wish to be heard.  Recently, I spoke with two individuals who were both informed their mail-in ballots for the primary were not counted.  They were returned to them stating the identifying signatures did not match what the election board had on file.  Again, I state this is not political, I have no idea what party the votes were cast for. The fact of the matter is the votes were not counted.  Had the individuals been at a polling location, they would have been able to produce the necessary identification and have their votes counted.  These are just two instances; how many more are there that we have not heard about.  
I have been advised that mail in ballots have a tracking number that will allow you to track your vote to the point of being counted.  The only issue with this system lies with the senior population and our individual technical abilities. I will state that for those who are skeptical of the system and are not happy with placing their ballots in the mail, I will continue to work with the Township Mayor and Council to try to have ballot drop boxes placed in locations that are more convenient and accessible, especially for seniors. 
Many of us have served our country and state in various ways, many of have sacrificed to ensure that we can enjoy the simple pleasures a democracy offers.  Many of us have worked and raised our families in this State and chose to remain here after retirement because of all that New Jersey offers.  With that in mind I believe we have all earned the right to have our vote counted.   I am not speaking politics; I am speaking of your right as a citizen to be heard by having your vote counted.  If there is anyone that is speaking politics, it is coming out of Trenton and a letter you will see published in this issue of the Southwind. 
I’ll end this month with words of wisdom from one of our country’s founders – “I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.” – Thomas Jefferson
Even Thomas Jefferson was weary of too much government control.  It can only lead to friction and ultimately, disastrous results.  
Remember, we live in the greatest country in the world, one where individuals can choose to differ, and yet enjoy the same freedoms.  Your vote is important, no matter how you chose to cast it.  Regardless of how we are directed to vote, just remember to vote - because those who do not vote - really do not have anything to say.  Hopefully, we will all see each other soon.  Until then stay safe and remain healthy.
My best to everyone,
Mike Signorile