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Nov 2020

Holiday City Berkeley Has Two New Board Members

Joseph Friscia – When Barbara Benson left the board Joseph was appointed to the board. Joseph is a retired Bayonne Police officer of 31 years. He has lived in Holiday City at Berkeley for the last 12 years and has been a volunteer for the Veterans and Friends of Veterans Club. Joseph loves music and if you are from Hudson County you might have heard him playing in some of the clubs around town. Because of his experience as a police officer Joseph will be handling complaints. He is a very quiet and thoughtful person and will be a great asset to the board and our community.  
Mary Paterno-Mihalko – was appointed to the board last September when Henry retired from the board. Mary worked for the Army at Fort Monmouth as a Contracting Office and retired after 30 years.. Mary has lived in HCB for the past 2 years and has been active at our meetings. Mary is presently a Realtor and brings a different prospective to the Board. Mary will be editing our community newspaper, The Bulletin. 
We are grateful that both Joseph and Mary have stepped up to take on their positions.