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Sep 2019

SRPW Board of Trustees Meeting - July 8, 2019

Call to Order:  President Michael Pelonero called the meeting to order at 2:00 PM.  The meeting was held in accordance with the SRPW Governing Documents and Roberts Rules of Order, 11th Edition, and was recorded.
Pledge of Allegiance:  Was led by President Michael Pelonero.
Opening Prayer:  Was led by Jack Easson.
Roll Call of Officers and Trustees:  Bernie Ernst was excused; Secretary office is vacant.  All other Officers and Trustees were present.
Correspondence:  None
Minutes of Preceding Meeting:  June 3, 2019 Reorganization Meeting minutes:  Requested a motion to approve the June 3, 2019 Reorganization meeting minutes as presented. Motion was made by Joanne Matina to accept the minutes as presented and seconded by Jack Easson. All were in favor; motion carried. 
June 10, 2019 Board of Trustee Meeting minutes:  Requested a motion to approve the June 10, 2019 Board of Trustee Meeting minutes as presented. Motion was made by Elizabeth Wismann to accept the minutes as presented and seconded by Nanette Ferrara. All were in favor; motion carried
Treasurer’s Report:  June 2019 Monthly Cash Disbursements/Cash Receipts Report was read by Lorraine Romero; the bank account balances were also read.  There being no questions the Treasurer’s Report will be filed in the library and printed in next month’s Sentinel.
Trustee Reports:  
Section 1:   Nanette Ferrara had a call about grass cutting that has already been taken care of.
Section 2:  Kathleen Cuttingham had nothing to report for Section 2 but did have two calls about the Sentinel from Section 3.
Section 3:  Joanne Matina had one call about a tree and she asked the homeowner to call Mike.  
Section 4:  Jim Egan reported that a new homeowner that is not there was piling branches on the sidewalk for pick up tomorrow.  Mike asked Jim to keep a look out to make sure they were picked up the next day. 
Section 5:  Tony had two calls; a homeowner wanted to trim a tree but didn’t know if it was on his property or on common grounds that has been addressed and the other call was about a house on Martinique.
Section 6:  Carol reported that all was good. 
Section 7:  Mary received a few calls about unkempt lawns and a call from someone who wanted to volunteer, who happened to be in attendance at the meeting.
Section 8:  Lore received a call about the sprinklers from a home on Langley Court that was reported to Mike.  Also received a call from another homeowner thanking us for taking care of her issue on common grounds.
Section 9:  Joe reported that there were four vacancies due to the death of three homeowners that were going to put up for sale.  
Section 10:  Jack had no complaints except there is grass along the curb on Westbrook which the homeowners were spoken to about. 
Section 11:  Elizabeth reported that homeowners had work done at their home several weeks ago and their business signs remain on the property.  Elizabeth also thanked whomever cleaned up Bassett Court and Bassett Drive   
We received word today that the President of Holiday Heights had passed away.  
Committee Reports:
Architectural Control:   Mike has been checking trees, grass, etc.  Today, a gentlemen named Peter has volunteered to help John out.  Architectural Control. John is still not feeling well.   Approval has been given for roofs and solar panels.
By-Laws:  The final draft was reviewed by the By-law Committee.  We will be reprinting the final version of the By-laws and Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, and they will be mailed to all homeowners, hopefully, in August.  Separate ballots will be included in this mailing for a vote of these documents.  We now need to complete the Rules and Regulations.  President Pelonero requested that all trustees submit to the office with a list of what they would like the rules and regulations to include within the next week. Sheds will also be included in the rules and regulations. 
Codes:  Joe McCreary received a call about a kiddie wading pool being allowed in the back yard when the grandchildren visit.  Mike responded that the wading pool would be allowed as long as the water is emptied out every night.  Should there be something more than a wading pool set up the office should be notified.
Common Grounds and Forestry:  We continue to spend quite a bit on trees.  
Recreation:  The Rec Committee is holding a “Night under the Stars” to be held on September 14, 2019 that is free to residents only; hot dogs and hamburgers will be supplied by the Rec Committee but  attendees are being asked to bring a pot luck dish. A sign-up sheet will be provided and tickets will be distributed at time of reservation.  On October 13, 2019, the Volunteer Party will be held at the Clarion.  On December 8, 2019, a Christmas extravaganza will be held with the chorus, a dinner and a performance for us by the Wrinkle Review.  On December 12th, we are also planning a bus trip to New York City to see the Christmas lights with a luncheon at a restaurant in Union City; fliers are in the lobby. 
Unfinished Business:  None
New Business:  The by-law information was new business.
Announcements: Articles for the Sentinel are due Friday, July 12, 2019. We need to try to stick to the schedule to ensure that residents receive their Sentinel on a timely basis.   We ask that you submit articles for the newsletter through our e-mail address, [email protected].
Robo call sign-up continues. 
We continue to be in need of a volunteer for Secretary as well as other areas.
We are going to institute summer hours for the office this Friday through Labor Day.  We will be open Monday-Thursday 9 AM – 12 Noon and closed on Fridays.  Next year we will have summer hours June through August.  All trustees were polled and had no problem with this change for the summer.
Good & Welfare: Vivian Evanchik spoke about the Friendship Circle Holiday Party for the Head Start children of Berkeley Township.  The Berkeley Township Head Start program has been rolled over to the Brick program this year.  Vivian placed a call to them to find out what has actually occurred; perhaps there will be more children than we can handle since we were including Barnegat with Berkeley.  Vivian is also checking to see if the date could be changed to December 11th instead of December 12th and will keep us informed. 
A homeowner asked about a timeline for changing the size of the sheds. Mike responded that it would be as soon as the by-laws and covenants are approved.
A homeowner asked for a status report on the lawsuit regarding the realtors and the flippers in our communities. We received a favorable outcome but they are appealing that decision.  We are opposed to a bill in the Assembly in Trenton where they want to come out and visit associations to see how things are handled so they can change things.
President Pelonero requested a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Joanne Matina made a motion to adjourn; Elizabeth Wismann seconded the motion.  All in favor; motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 2:33 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Rita Palacios
Secretary- Pro Tempore