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Sep 2019

From The President's Desk - August 2019

Some of the bids for the work on clubhouse 2 are in.  We have the bid for the electric work.  We’re just waiting for some additional work that has to be added to the original bid.  Once the insurance company approves the bid, work can begin.  With electricity in that building again, other work can get started.  We have the bid from the painters and the bid was accepted.  We are going to use Certa Pro Painters, they are the company that painted the outside of the building.
We received a request from a resident who frequents the pool, to make Labor Day a day in which the kids can be allowed at the pool for the whole day.  We thought that was a great idea.  It will be a sort of last day before school starts celebration.  Grandparents will be able to spend the whole day with the kids.
So, Grandma can pack some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and some fruit and maybe some iced tea, and have a picnic by the pool with the kiddies.  
In the event that rain is predicted for Labor Day, we will allow the kids to be there for the whole day on the day before, Sunday, September 1st.
So, mark your calendars for Labor Day, Monday, September 2nd.  Come out and enjoy the pool with your grandkids.
We hope you enjoyed your summer, and are looking forward to the fall with it’s cooler temperatures and lower humidity.  I know I am!
Our shareowner’s meeting will be on Wednesday September 4th at 1PM in
clubhouse 1.  No refreshments will be served.